Sunday, July 26, 2015

Leg 1: Provo-Mt. Rushmore

Gage and I have been mapping out a cross-country road trip for several years. This summer, we finally decided to do it!

Naturally, we started off the journey with one last Sodalicious...

...later P-town.

We passed through Wyoming on the way to our first night in South Dakota. We happened across a Martin Handcart Company historic site in the middle-of-nowhere Wyoming. There was a nice little visitors' center and some representations of cabins that would have been there at the time. Learning about the trials our pioneer ancestors went through and the faith they had was amazing.

This quote was on the wall in the visitors' center and it really struck me...

"Was I sorry that I chose to come by hand cart? No. Neither then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Hand Cart Company." -Francis Webster

After our time at the visitors center, we got back on the road and rolled into Rapid City, SD late that night.

The next day we set out for Mount Rushmore!

It's hard to tell how huge those heads are, even when you're right there. The presidents' noses are 20 FEET TALL! That is massive.

This is a model of what Gutzon Borglam originally intended for the sculpture...full busts with Lincoln popping his collar and everything. A lack of funding and Borglam's passing kept it from ever getting to this point.

Apparently Thomas Jefferson made some bomb vanilla bean ice cream in his day, and they still have the recipe. They sell ice cream made from his recipe in the cafe at the Mt. Rushmore National Park. It's actually pretty tasty!

We even got a photo with one of the original drillers who worked on Mount Rushmore :)

You know how Facebook puts little squares around the faces it finds in a photo and asks you to tag your friends? When I posted this picture, it circled the faces on the mountain. I got a kick out of it.

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